In March of 1977, a small group of people meeting in a home invited Todd Kennedy, Pastor of Spokane Bible Church to visit and provide guidance on starting a Bible-teaching church in the Tri-Cities. The result of this meeting was to start a church, listening to tapes for teaching, with the view of eventually having a pastor-teacher. The church started meeting in a conference room at the International Dunes Motel in Richland.
In August 1977, Bruce Einspahr visited Columbia Bible Church as a candidate for pastor. On August 28th, 1977, the first official business meeting for Columbia Bible Church was held. It was decided to call Bruce as Pastor if he accepted the invitation, considering our limited economic resources at the time. He and his wife Marlene accepted our offer and started teaching services November 5th, 1978, at the Richland Community Center. A Wednesday night service was soon added February 21, 1979, in the Pastor's home in Burbank.
In 1991 the church struggled with plans on how to put up a church building with a building fund of only $42,000. At the time Columbia Bible Church was meeting at the Seventh Day Adventist Church at 1897 Wright Ave. in Richland. Even though we were encouraged to use some creative financing and go into debt, the church decided not to go into debt, but to wait on God's will and not start building. Building plans were drawn up and ready in the event that finances were available.
On Jan. 31, 1993, Columbia Bible Church joined with Good Shepherd Baptist Church. Columbia Bible Church retained the same name and Constitution, and thus in essence, was given equity in the 5 1/4 acres and the building at our present location of 202 S. Van Buren St. in Kennewick. By the kindness of God in His bountiful provision we were able to pay off all the debt against the building and property. God has financially blessed Columbia Bible Church abundantly through the years. God has provided just enough to do what His plans required and stay debt free. His grace abounds.
After a couple of visits in the Fall of 2015, Jonathan Smith, and his wife Hannah, accepted the call as Pastor at Columbia Bible Church. They moved to Tri-Cities from Dallas, TX in January and he began teaching on February 7, 2016. Pastor Bruce has remained at Columbia Bible Church as the Pastor Emeritus, and he is involved in teaching and shepherding.